
Sunday, January 12, 2020

Wait... Is this a blog that mocks anxious people?  Is it a ticket to belittle and point out all the shortcomings of people with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), panic disorder, agoraphobia and oh so many more fears and phobias? 
Anxiety is no laughing matter.  It's not.  It's inconvenient.  It's uncomfortable. It makes us feel different and LESS THAN.  In a panicky moment, we are certain we are about to die...but we don't.  It's a false alarm. 

 "So Anxiety Girl, what is this blog about and why does it laugh at this crappy condition that can be absolutely debilitating?"  You were asking that weren't you?  No?  Well let's pretend you were.  

Anxiety Girl has experienced decades of anxious suffering, avoiding, missing out, helplessness and desperation that has slowly morphed into learning, unlearning, relearning, adjusting, accepting, experimenting, baby steps, determination and a new way to just BE.  

Anxiety Girl is on facebook.  She has her own page and thousands of followers.  She  wants people to know that this condition is chronic and comes and goes throughout life BUT there's an awful lot of living to do within the peaks and valleys of anxiety... and life doesn't wait for us to figure it all out.  Life goes on with or without us.  So live!  With support and people who totally get it in her corner, Anxiety Girl is thriving!  She has learned that a little acceptance and a lot of humor go a long way in creating a better life for herself.  She wants the same for you!

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Wait... Is this a blog that mocks anxious people?  Is it a ticket to belittle and point out all the shortcomings of people with GAD (general...